This is the first in a series of posts about easy solutions for weight loss. They will appear about once a week - so come back and take a look. The goal, as always, is to keep it easy and simple.
It seems as though a new 'diet' is introduced every week that guarantees you weight loss. And, if you can't lose weight on a diet, get a bit of surgery done. Surgery has to be the definition of complex; there are always side effects. Plus, it's really expensive.
I am never going to refer to being on a diet. Being on a diet is by definition temporary. Losing weight should be permanent. You want to get rid of the pounds and keep them off, right?
So, the all time easiest way to lose weight...the most simple...wait for it...Decide you are going to lose weight. That is so important it's worth repeating: Decide you are going to lose weight. Once that decision is really made, you have started on your road to a new life.
I can hear you, "But I decided to go on a diet..." So, how did that work out for you? Did you lose the weight? How long did it take to come back? For most of us, it comes back with a vengeance. We drop ten and get 15 back. Why does that happen? We get tired of being on a restrictive food diet. We want the ice cream, french fries, pie, etc. Or, we want to eat until we feel full. (By then you have over-eaten, but more about that in another entry.)
The decision I am writing about is the decision to lose weight - and to mean it. And, it's the first step to real weight loss.
Three years ago I was about 60 pounds over-weight. I don't know how I got to be that way; it just happened. Okay, I know it happened because I ate a lot of food Double and triple helpings of pasta, any bread I wanted, rice, I was a sucker for apple pie and cheese cake. Over a 20 year period the weight kept coming on and on. I didn't do anything to take it off.
One day I woke up and decided I was going to lose the weight. And about 9 months later the weight was gone. My BMI was 24.9, for those of you who follow BMI's.
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. I found out that weight is not the measure any longer; it's your BMI. You can figure out what your BMI is here. And you can learn a bit more about BMI here. I do want to point out that the last link is for the Center for Disease Control website. Obesity is huge (no pun intended) in the United States costing millions of dollars in health costs. It shortens lives and reduces the quality of life you have. The list of diseases that are influenced by being even 10 or 15 pounds overweight is long from diabetes to high blood pressure to heart disease and on and on.
Please, don't cut your life short because you are overweight and discouraged. Take the first step and decide you are going to lose weight. Once you decide you are really going to lose weight, you have already decided to eat better food; eat a bit less - emphasis on a bit less. Heck, you might even figure out exercise is a good thing - a few words on that later.
It's not complex. Deciding to lose is easy and is the first step in a pretty easy process. Really.
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