Need a little easy extra money? Just a few more dollars a month, maybe? You are not alone.
You know, unemployment is still up around 10 or 11% - probably higher since so many have become ineligible to collect benefits. If you include 'under-employment' - those folks who are working but earning much less than they once did,or are working in a job for which they are way over qualified, and the number gets to be somewhere around 17% - at the low end. Truthfully, nobody really knows how many are unemployed or under-employed.
From time to time I am going to offer easy ways to make the bit extra you need. And, the great thing is that almost any idea I offer can be expanded into full-time. Be your own boss. Build your own business and you can never be laid-off. Wow!
My oldest son has several dogs. He might even be called a rancher. And, while he loves his dogs; he does not love picking up after them. Which means there's an opportunity for you!
There's gold in that poop!
Yep, you got it. Picking up dog poop in someone's yard can mean real money. Look, a lot of people are working 10 to 12 hours a day and really don't want to come home to clean-up after their dog, or dogs. So,what do they do? They leave it until the weekend. Just think of the job they are confronted with. A week's worth of dog poop. I just can't think of a thing I would rather be doing on a Saturday than cleaning-up after my dog. Even little dogs can poop in prodigious amounts!
Do you like dogs? Do you want to make folks' lives a little better? Do you want to earn a little easy extra money? Well, start a neighborhood poop patrol.
What will you need? Gloves, scooper (obvious, huh?), bags for poop, and a keen eye. Let your friends know what you are doing and put out flyers in your neighborhood - make sure you give it a chance and hand out several hundred. More on flyers in some future blog - just keep them simple for now. The service you offer. Your name. Contact information.
How much to charge for this service? Find out what the national companies are charging. (Yes, there are franchises available for this service so you have to know there is money in it.) Charge less than they do. In fact, give your first customers a real break in price - the are going to become your best advertisers if you serve them and their dog(s) well.
You want a little easy extra money? This is as easy as...well, poop.
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